lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008


There are five billion people in the world and they live in all different corners of it. They live on the snow and ice of the Poles and in the tropical jungles on the equator. They haved climbed the higest montains and walked on the sea bed. Some of them have even left earth and visited the moon.

The human species is the most numerous and the most powerful of all the animals on earth. How did happen? In many ways, animals can do things better than we can. Dogs can smell and hear better than we can. Cats can see in the dark. Birds can fly thousands of miles away and return to the same place every year. But we are different. No other animal builds cathedrals, plays football, tells jokes, gets married, has prisions, writes symphonies, elects presidents or goes to the moon.

There is one thing above all that makes people and animals different. People love talk - talk - talk. We are the great communicators! And we can communicate so many things in so many ways - with our faces, our hands, our bodies and our voices. Most important of all, we can record what we say and think in writing, so that we can communicate through time. We have a sense of past and future, not just present.

We are the only species that can change the world, and we are the only species that choose either to look after our world or to destroy it.

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